
Group Management, Vicat in India

Vicat in India has a team of more than 850 professionals who contribute every single day to the growth of company through their know-how and business expertise and acumen.

Two independent companies of Vicat in India have separate board of directors at the apex and carry the responsibility for strategic supervision of the companies. The strategic management of the company rests with the whole time Directors (Executive Directors) wherein the chairperson provides the strategic vision for the organization.

Vicat in India functions with common operations management structure for support functions and are headquartered at Hyderabad. Also, there is a clear cut demarcation between ‘Business Strategy’ and ‘Business Operations’.

The Business Strategy and Direction Setting is the responsibility of Group Management under the leadership of Chief Executive Officer. Group management consists of whole time directors and business vertical heads.

Business Operations is the responsibility of Chief Operating Officer and is responsible for providing leadership to all Functional Heads.

       Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.

     - John C. Maxwell