Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) is a vital part of Vicat journey towards sustainable development. The Vicat Groups ranks safety and the working conditions of its employees among its top priorities.
Everyone is committed to promoting any actions that might help achieve “Zero Accidents”. We firmly believe and convinced that Accidents can be avoided.
From the Chief Executive Officer to the front-line employee, irrespective of our job or position in the organization, we are all driving force in the setting up of accident-prevention systems integrating safety meetings, training courses, audits, reports and analyses of accidents or near misses, etc.
Everyone is involved in and responsible for their own safety and that of their colleagues in a work environment. Avoiding accidents is above all a matter of behavior and attention.
At Vicat India, regular meetings are held with all our staff members to discuss security and health issues, continually research (and implement as appropriate) ways to prevent and manage hazardous situations more effectively and carefully monitor prevention and security processes within all operations.
OH & S initiatives at our plants